Our Story

Born in 2019, SMAC’s goal is simple: to create delicious, nutritious, milk-inducing cookies to keep babies growing and mothers healthy. Many new moms assume that breastfeeding is something that happens naturally and easily. Some mothers have a difficult time producing milk for their newborn(s), and lactation cookies could be an extremely helpful addition to a mother’s daily diet. When you are a new mom, and your milk isn’t coming in (which is more common than not), lactation cookies have been known to give a new mom’s milk supply a kickstart. On the flip side, some mothers want to be able to boost and extend their supply in order to store more milk in the freezer or have the ability to donate breast milk to others that may not have a strong supply.

Many lactation supplements are in the form of pills or teas, but as a new mom I wanted something that was more filling and scrumptious to eat. I craved a snack that would nourish my body, and at the same time help me feed my daughter. If you’re a nursing mama and looking for something to have on hand to keep you energized and satisfied during the day, look no further! And if you’re not nursing, but looking for something that has dense, nutritious ingredients to get you through a busy and active day, SMAC Cookies are great for that too!

On a personal note, when my first daughter was born, she was exclusively on breastmilk for eight months. During that time, I ate 2-3 lactation cookies a day and found huge improvements in my supply. I continued baking and freezing the cookies throughout the first four months to ensure that my milk supply would keep up for my hungry newborn.

Since I was a child, I have always had a passion for baking. I’ve also always had a keen interest in eating healthy. Through SMAC Cookies, I combine these lifelong interests to help new moms and babies eat healthy, delicious and milk-producing cookies!

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SMAC bakes fresh, nutritious cookies to help new mothers on their breastfeeding journey. Most of all, we want to provide mothers with a scrumptious treat when they are in need of an energy boost and an increase in milk supply.

It has brought so much joy to my life knowing how many mothers I help on a daily basis. Having a newborn is a lot of work and as women, we need to remember to also take care of ourselves!